Basically, four approaches are suggested to counter the
menace of Islamism (right-wing political Islam, of which jihadist terrorism is
the most extreme manifestation) – the first is anti-Muslim bigotry, which is
actually counterproductive and only gives further fuel to the jihadist fire,
the second is to harp on Muslim victimhood exaggerating it but without asking
Muslims to introspect, which fails to explain why a harmless minority like the
Yazidis of Iraq or a school-girl like Malala have been targets of jihadist
terrorism, the third is denigrating Islam as a faith to make Muslims abandon
Islam but which is only intellectually consistent coming from an atheist or
agnostic for all faiths have controversial dimensions, and tu-tu-main-main
debates over right or wrong interpretations of Islam or any other religion to
prove superiority (otherwise, I do support promoting humanistic and progressive
interpretations of Islam as accurate) can be endless, and the fourth one, which
I subscribe to, is to promote a liberal and humanistic understanding of Muslim
identity and Islam, rebutting wrong notions of perennial Muslim victimhood and
portraying the likes of APJ Abdul Kalam as role models, which I think is the
only viable option, and so, to acknowledge Kalam's Muslim-ness is essential if
he is to be promoted as a role model for Muslims.
I do not believe that communalists under any banner, except arguably those actually resorting to killing innocent civilians, should be dehumanized or can never be logically made to modify their views, as the must-watch movie Road to Sangam, based on a true story, demonstrates, and to draw an analogy, you can see this video of a Muslim who initially wanted to become a terrorist wanting to blow up Jewish civilians but changed his standpoint about Israel for the better after visiting that country.