Thursday, February 12, 2015

Is it True that Hindu Victims of Hate Crimes by Muslim Extremists Inevitably Get Justice Faster than Muslim Victims of Hate Crimes by Hindu Extremists?

This is a myth.Speaking of the riots in Gujarat in 2002, for example, the Muslim extremists who burnt a railway coach, which triggered the riots, were convicted as late as in 2011, while the Hindu extremists responsible for killing innocent Muslims in the Best Bakery were convicted in 2006. Also, none of the Muslim perpetrators of the mass murders of Kashmiri Hindus in 1989-90 have been convicted (in the case of one Muslim militant Bitta Karate who confessed to his crime in a televised interview, the judge acquitted him pointing to the shoddy manner in which the local Kashmiri Muslim policemen had investigated the case), in contrast to many cases involving the riots in Gujarat in 2002, in which hundreds of Hindu rioters have been convicted. Those in denial of what the Kashmiri Hindus were subjected to by militants acting in the name of Islam would do well to read this article -

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